March 9, 2025


JOHN 3:16
In John 3:16, Jesus tells us that “God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This means that He loves every person, that He died for every person, and therefore salvation is for every     person in the world. Man cannot have this great salvation until he repents of his sins and believes John 3:16 in its    totality. God so loved the world that he gave—you can give without loving but you can’t love without giving.  God loved us so much, that He gave His only begotten Son for us, as sinners, to be reconciled to God, and to fulfill God’s purpose. The penalty of sin had to be taken care of. God did that when He gave His Son to die on the cross as a perfect sacrifice to satisfy the justice of God. Now every sinner can hear and believe John 3:16 and be saved. We must believe that Jesus is everything He says He is, that His Words are true, that His promises are true, that His commandments are true, and that He does not change. Believe John 3:16 and be saved; reject John 3:16 and be lost.
So, what about you? How will John 3:16 Impact your life?  Will you allow its true message to sink deep into your heart and change your life? Because of God’s great love and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, you can believe in John 3:16 and be made a new creature in Christ Jesus.
“Therefore, if any man, be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  II Corinthians 5:17
Pastor Roy Yelton   
Expanded Budget Proposal available at the Welcome Centers

Sunday, March 9th 5:00 pm, in the FLC Connection, the deacons will be available for any questions concerning the proposed 2025 Budget.

Sunday, March 16th, following PM Worship Service Church Business Meeting to vote to approve the 2025 Budget.


         Our Nursery is growing, and                                          
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!                                  
For more information and to get signed up, please see April Williams or Rachel Triplett.

SALT & LIGHT Ladies Ministry



Ladies, please join us Monday, April 7th, at 6:00 pm, in the Family Life Center Gym for
Truth, Food, and Fellowship Discipleship Night.
Dinner will be a Taco Bar, and is available for $5. This must be paid by Sunday, April 6th. Please sign-up at the Welcome Centers.

Men, please join us Tuesday, April 8th, at 6:00 pm, in the Family Life Center Gym for
Truth, Food, and Fellowship Discipleship Night.
Dinner will be a Taco Bar, and is available for $5. This must be paid by Sunday, April 6th. Please sign-up at the Welcome Centers.


Please join us Saturday, March 22nd, at 10:00 am at the Golden Corral, for breakfast buffet.

Olive Branch mINISTRY

Please join us Sunday, March 16th, at 5:00 pm in the FLC Connection if you would be interested in ministering to those who are shut-in or in nursing homes by calls, cards, and/or visiting.


Sunday, March 16th at 5:00 PM
Olive Branch Ministry Meeting
FLC Connection
Thursday, March 27th
Chonda Pierce
Tickets are $19.75 (Price Reduced - Cash Only)
Available at the Welcome Centers and in the Church Office.
Volunteers are needed for this event. Please see Teresa to volunteer inside or Steve Coates to help in the Parking Lot.
Monday, April 7th 6:00 PM
                                                       Salt & Light Ladies Ministry Discipleship Night                                                        
Tuesday, April 8th 6:00 PM
Anchored Men’s Ministry Discipleship Night    
July 20th—26th
Arkansas Mission Trip
See Barry Epps for Details

MARTHA Ministry

Martha Ministry ministers to families who have had a death in their family by providing a meal. For more information about this opportunity to serve, please contact Teresa at 423-245-3141.

Care House Ministry

Thursdays, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet
Donations will be accepted during this time.
Currently needs men’s and children’s clothing.
The Care House will also be open briefly after the AM Worship Service for donations.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact:
Troy McPherson at 423-963-6829 or
Gaines Faust at 423-863-7313

The Care House will be closed on Thursday, December 26th.

HG Kids 

Security Team

Prayer Requests

Volunteers are needed for the Security Team. If you would be interested in serving on a team, please see Jerry Quillen or call
the Church Office at 423-245-3141.
Do you have prayer requests or someone you would like to place on the Nursing Home/Shut-In list? Please contact: Teresa at or call the Church Office at      423-245-3141.

Family Life Center

Gym, walking track, and exercise room
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:00 am - 10:30 am
Volunteers are needed to greet at the FLC Desk. If you could volunteer a day a week or even a day a month, any time you could volunteer helps. Please contact Teresa in the Church Office at  423-245-3141.

Last Week Giving

Last Week Attendance

Tithes & Offerings

$ 22,612.31


Sunday AM 
Sunday PM 
Sunday School 
Weekly Bible Studies 


Sunday School Classes

If you are not currently attending a Sunday School Class, 
we have classes for all ages. We would love to have you join us at 9:15 am.
Class AgeTeacher(s)Room #

Ladies 246-60      Nicole Treadway     Sherry PepinB201
Ladies 360 & Up    Elizabeth Looney        Norma Jean Shaw     Sue BennettB106
Ladies 460 & UpPat ParvinB102-103
Men60 & Up      Larry Crawford          Mark DixonB105
Co-Ed 120-40Joe McCannB216
Co-Ed 230-50        Chris Moles             Jerry QuillenB212-213
Co-Ed 340-54Chris MaupinB218
Co-Ed 450-59          Tom Howard            Charlie PowellB202
Co-Ed 6
63 & Up
Scott Tester 
Alan Bennett 
Co-Ed 7
65 & Up
 Warren & Vikki Wright    B104

Students6th-12th Grade Boys
6th-12th Grade Girls
Preston Miller 
  Brian Barkley     _____________
    Stacey Barkley

      Briana Miller      
Student Building
Elementary1st - 2ndJulie Pyle

Elementary3rd – 5thVicki Painter
NurseryBabies - KindergartenKatelyn Williams
Kindall Rowland